Tuesday 18 December 2007

Gah Late!

Gah, I'm late in making this post, damn only 2 posts and I'm already slacking, this is not good.

Anyway Christmas is coming up soon, I hope you all have a great time and Have a happy new year as well.

Right bit of anime to talk about now.

Death note.

Great Anime series, been watching it ever since it came out in English. Seen 8 episodes so far and I'm loving it :D. L is my favourite character so far. ill give you a quick run down of what it about if you haven't seen it already.

Light Yagami (Main Character/Villain) Is one of the smart students in Japan And is bored till one day he finds this notebook. the notebook has the Words "Death Note" Written on the front of it and inside contains a set of rules on how to use it. The first rule is "the human Whose name is Written in This note Shall Die". Light finds this hard to Believe and thinks its a joke. He decides to test it on a criminal in the news who has kidnapped a class of students. He writes the criminals name in the note and waits, after about 40 seconds of waiting and nothing happening he goes to walk away. A second later all the students are seen running out of the class and the news reports the kidnapper he died on the spot.

Using this notebook Light goes on a killing spree and begins killing all the criminals in the world. Then Ryuk, Who is the owner of the notebook and a Shinigami (God of Death), approaches light and tells him all about the Shinigami world and the death note. Soon the police start to notice all these killing and begin to investigate with L. L is the best detective in the world and can solve any case. The series follows Light's and L's attempt to figure out who the other person is and kill him(light's reason) or capture him (L's Reason).

Here is the animes 2ND season opening :)

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